
Dr. Stone is an anime television series produced by TMS Entertainment based on the manga of the same name written by Riichiro Inagaki, illustrated by Boichi, and published in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. 3,700 years after a mysterious light turns every human on the planet into stone, genius boy Senku Ishigami emerges from his petrification into a 'Stone World' and seeks to rebuild human civilization from the ground up. The series is directed by Shinya Iino, with Yuichiro Kido as scriptwriter, and Yuko Iwasa as character designer. Tatsuya Kato, Hiroaki Tsutsumi, and Yuki Kanesaka compose the series' music.
Dr. Stone is an anime television series produced by TMS Entertainment based on the manga of the same name written by Riichiro Inagaki, illustrated by Boichi, and published in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. 3,700 years after a mysterious light turns every human on the planet into stone, genius boy Senku Ishigami emerges from his petrification into a 'Stone World' and seeks to rebuild human civilization from the ground up. The series is directed by Shinya Iino, with Yuichiro Kido as scriptwriter, and Yuko Iwasa as character designer. Tatsuya Kato, Hiroaki Tsutsumi, and Yuki Kanesaka compose the series' music.
Dr. Stone - O.S.T. (Gate) - Dr. Stone - O.S.T. (Gate)


Format: Vinyl
Rel. Date: 04/19/2024
UPC: 5037899085950

Dr. Stone - O.S.T. (Gate)
Artist: Dr. Stone - O.S.T. (Gate)
Format: Vinyl
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Dr. Stone is an anime television series produced by TMS Entertainment based on the manga of the same name written by Riichiro Inagaki, illustrated by Boichi, and published in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. 3,700 years after a mysterious light turns every human on the planet into stone, genius boy Senku Ishigami emerges from his petrification into a 'Stone World' and seeks to rebuild human civilization from the ground up. The series is directed by Shinya Iino, with Yuichiro Kido as scriptwriter, and Yuko Iwasa as character designer. Tatsuya Kato, Hiroaki Tsutsumi, and Yuki Kanesaka compose the series' music.
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